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Midwest Tungsten Service Cube NFT

Midwest Tungsten Service Cube NFT

Hello from Midwest Tungsten Service. We've been around since 1958 and we're experts in tungsten and its alloys. One of our guiding principles has always been to provide excellent customer service along with an outstanding product.

Our customers recently have been very interested in one of our newer products, the tungsten cube. Since 2015, the cube has allowed many to experience tungsten's startling density first-hand. It has delighted us immensely to see the recent surge in interest and all the amazed reactions on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, via email, phone call, and unexpected visits to our facility (please don't do this) here in the suburbs of Chicago.

Since we began selling the cube we have constantly asked ourselves, 'What is the right size?', and 'Would anyone buy a bigger cube?' Only recently has anyone asked us, or have we asked ourselves, 'What is the biggest cube we can make?' We have an answer that creates a bit of a problem. The answer is 14.545" and 2,000 lbs (907 kg). The problem is, what do with it if we make it. Shipping and receiving can be a problem.

So here's our solution:

An NFT with rights to visit a 14.545" cube. We will make the 14.545" cube, it will weigh approximately 2,000 pounds. This NFT represents a real-world physical cube that will be stored at Midwest Tungsten Service headquarters and owned by the NFT owner. One visit to see/photograph/touch the cube per calendar year will be allowed and scheduled with a Midwest Tungsten Service representative. Unlockable content required for scheduling and proof of ownership required for entry. The cube will be stored in a room of its own that will be locked and only accessible by the NFT owner.

Subsequent owners of the NFT cannot visit the cube in a year in which the cube has already been visited. The cube will not be available to view until 12 weeks after the first sale. Burning the NFT will result in shipment to the most recent owner via freight truck, owner will be responsible for alerting Midwest Tungsten Service of the intention to burn and transport after freight drop-off.

10% of the proceeds above the auction starting price will go to a mutually agreed upon charitable organization.

During each annual visit or once annually while the cube is stored with Midwest Tungsten Service, options for replacing the cube with a larger size (if available, based on improved manufacturing capabilities) will be presented to the current NFT holder. Owner can choose to accept or decline options presented by Midwest Tungsten Service.

An agreement covering visitation and delivery of the physical cube will be supplied to the winning bidder and subsequent owners.

Here's the link to the NFT:   Tungsten Cube NFT

Update: The NFT sold for 56.9 ETH which was around $247k at time of bid.